
Learning about Laws Concerning Automobile Incidents

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Learning about Laws Concerning Automobile Incidents

Hi, I'm Lawrence Dunn. Welcome to my site about laws surrounding automobiles and driver actions. People who are facing charges for driving while intoxicated, hit and run, or vehicular manslaughter may feel confused by the proceedings. Legal terms used for the charges often leave people scratching their heads until it's possible to talk to a lawyer. As a result, it's incredibly important to obtain legal representation when facing this type of case. I will explore the legal proceedings for automobile incidents. My site will explore the steps needed to hire a competent lawyer. I hope the information I share will help you through you case. Thank you.

Gain A Better Understanding Of Child Support Issues

Parents of children under the age of 18 who are divorcing will very likely have to deal with the child support issue sooner or later. This is a complicated area and is closely connected to the child custody issue, which may be one of the most contentious and emotional of all divorce issues. Read on for some information on how child support is decided.

Address the Issue Early

A final divorce decree is not necessary to have child support ordered and paid. As soon as you and the other parent are no longer living under the same roof, you can ask the judge to order child support. This is where things get tricky, however. Temporary support orders during the separation are partially based on the form of custody you choose. Sole physical custody given to one parent is the most common way of dealing with child custody, and for a good reason. It allows the child to remain mostly in the same home with one parent, and judges like to see children impacted as little as possible by divorces. The custody situation has to be resolved before child support can be ordered. Often, the judge will address both issues at the same time. Any temporary child support orders can later be altered before the final decree is issued.

Parental Income and Child Support

While custody affects child support, it is the income of the parents that plays the biggest role in who has to pay and how much they end up being ordered to pay. The parent who makes the most money is usually ordered to pay support for a biological or adopted child of the relationship. The amount ordered is based on not just the income of the parents but also the median income of each particular state. This mix of factors might mean that both parents, if they have the means, are ordered to contribute a certain amount to the care of the child but that the parent who is not the custodial parent contributes more.

Other Factors Affecting Child Custody

  1. Parents are encouraged to make voluntary payments in excess of ordered amounts, but in no way does that excuse a future failure to pay.
  2. A parent with current child support obligations for a child from a previous relationship may gain some credit for that financial outlay when determining the payment for another child.
  3. There are many factors that go into child support amounts, but parents can get an idea by using an online tool.

This issue is far too complex to make assumptions about. Speak to your divorce lawyer to get more accurate information about child support. If you need to find a divorce lawyer, check out firms like Cooper Levenson Attorneys At Law.